• Lower fly burden
  • Fresh air in the milking pit means better working conditions for the farmer/milker
  • No unnecessary path for milkers and cows, as the cows move towards the cooled zone
  • More relaxed cows while waiting and in the milking parlor
  • Reduction of heat stress and therefore no loss in milk production

The perfect system for your barn

Variant 1

  1. A tube
  2. Air cone on the animal's back in the lumbar area (cooling the animal)
  3. Air cone towards the udder (fly repellent)
  4. Air cone towards the pit with low air speeds (provides fresh cool air for the milker)

Variant 2

  1. two tubes

Variante 3

  1. Freshbone Milking Stand

Milking parlor including holding area

Just no stress please!

vet.smart.tubes for milking parlors reduce stress during milking. High air speeds at the ideal positions of the cows in the milking parlor and gentle air movements in the milking pit ensure optimal conditions for cows and milkers. The precise guidance of the cooling air currents reduces the fly burden.

Do you have any questions, would you like a call back or speak to us personally? We will be happy to advise you and take care of your concerns as quickly as possible!
